The WCHA's Old Town Fifty Pound Models Classified Listing Archive
15' Old Town 50# from 1914
This 15 foot long Old Town Fifty Pound Model from 1914 is for sale. It has only been used a few times since a complete restoration. The current color is dark blue and the serial number is 33164.
The price is $3500.
1923 Old Town canoe
Sterling , Illinois
Old Town canoe with original build sheet, serial # 74196 15, built 1923 with original seats and center thwart, good condition, canvas exterior in good condition. In our family since 1940's, light use, always stored and covered inside garage.
Overall - good useable
It's a 15' 1937 Old Town 50#, CS grade. It's pretty much complete (only missing the outwales), but is in need of full restoration. The canoe is free to any member of the WCHA.
Gill, MA
15' Old Town 50# model 1938, AA
This 15 foot long Old Town Fifty Pound Model from 1938 in AA grade is for sale. It has new black paint and interior varnish. The serial number is 117653.
The price is $2300.
1. Title of Ad: 1940 Old Town 13ft 50# Canoe
2. Price: $2950 (take 10% discount if WCHA member)
6. Location: 315 Master St Pottstown, PA 19464
7. Description: 1940 Old Town Canoe - 13 ft 50 #
SN: 128275 13
Absolutely beautiful and very solid canoe with restoration just completed. Restoration included stripping inner hull with TotalBoat Total Strip, sanding and applying 5 coats of Gleam 2.0 UV varnish on inner hull and trim. As specified in the build sheet, dark green paint - 4 coats of Kirby's marine enamel on the exterior. very solid 84 year old canoe!
8. Condition - Excellent Restored
For Sale: 1943 Old Town 15 foot 50 pound model in CS grade with a floor rack. two owners
since new. Restored in 1979 but needs new canvas now. Lots of potential here, these fifty
pounders do not show up every day, come take a look.
Located in Groveland MA.
Asking price $700.
1. 15' Old Town Canoe 1948
2. $1350
6. Dixmont, Maine
7. 15' Old Town Canoe, 1948, just finished restoration. New inwales, gunwales, decks, canvas, paint and varnish. Seats recaned, it does have a keel.
8. Excellent Restored
1. Title of Ad 1956 Old Town 13ft Canoe
6. Location 315 Master St Pottstown, PA 19464
8. Condition - Excellent Restored
1. Title of Ad 1961 Old Town 15ft Canoe
2. Price $2450
6. Location 315 Master St Pottstown, PA 19464
7. Description 1961 Old Town 15ft Canoe. SN: 171675 15 Absolutely beautiful and very solid canoe with restoration just completed. Restoration included sanding and 5 coats of UV varnish on inner hull and trim and, as specified in the build sheet, dark green paint - 4 coats of marine enamel on the exterior. Also,inner floor board was repaired. The 15ft 50 pound Old Town canoes go pretty fast as very desirable for canoe camping trips as lighter to portage. Many use 15ft Old Town's as display canoes in cabins and restaurants as a perfect size to show off features but not to consume too much space.
Please note that if purist, this canoe is not for you. As happened to many canvas canoes in the 1970's and 1980's, a previous owner replaced the canvas with fiberglass. The fiberglass was in perfect condition so I did not strip it and replace with canvas. Some find fiberglass much more durable than canvas with much better paint finish.
8. Condition - Excellent Restored
1. Old Town Canoe
2. $2750
6. 286 Akers Pond Rd, Errol NH, 03579
7. 15' Old Town wooden canvas canoe in like new condition, always
stored indoors
8. Excellent Original
1. Title of Ad - 1966 15' Old Town 50#
2. Price - $2750 obo
6. Location - Glenview, IL (Chicago north suburbs)
7. Description - Lovingly restored by owner with advice and materials provided by the late canoe maker and
conservationist, Ralph Frese. Restoration was followed by just a handful of paddling journeys on a serene northern
Wisconsin lake (our cabin has since been sold). She is truly stunning and a pleasure to paddle. Original Old Town
paddles included with the sale.
8. Condition - Excellent Restored
1967 Old Town 15' 50# model
$2450 OBO
Port Deposit, MD
1967 Old Town Light Weight S/N 179151
Excellent restored condition
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