Michigan Upper Peninsula Chapter

Kathryn Klos

squirrel whisperer
In the next few days, I will be mailing a "newsletter" to the fifteen memberships (some of which are couple-memberships) in Michigan's Upper Peninsula. I suppose this is the first formal announcement that we exist as a chapter. If I miss anyone--- or if you live in Wisconsin (or anywhere else) and would find it more convenient to meet in the UP--- let me know.

Say ya to the UP, eh.

U.P. eh

I have a bowyer friend in the UP, and when I'm at traditional shoots in michigan I get mistaken for being from there; apparently we ( canadians) sound similar....
The first time I was asked if I was from the "U.P." I just stared blankly until it was explained to me
A friend of mine, who has lived over 40 years in the UP, has been asked if he's Canadian when travelling away from home. I'm originally from Minnesota, so I speak without any sort of accent. Ya sure, you betcha.
Michigan stuff...

Before moving to Michigan, I knew that the state consisted of two land masses which are connected by a bridge... and that the Upper Peninsula is referred to as "the U.P." and the people are "Yoopers"... but I learned that those in lower Michigan are called "trolls"-- because they live below the bridge.
Now thats funny, hadnt heard that before
Have to use that in Kalamazoo in January:D
Wait, maybe i wont use that in a room full of archers......

yes, we are trolls below the bridge, but we are also known as fudgies.
some people make a fudge run to the straights area. Can you imagine how far someone might go to get a canoe?
Life in the U.P.

I came to the U.P. over forty years ago from the Detroit area, so have become an assimilated Upper. One of my daughter's friends refers to me as a TRUPPER. Thought that was cute.