The Wooden Canoe Heritage Association's Old Town Display Model Classified Listing Archive
Location: Maine
Ad Title: Old Town Canoe display model in rough condition
Condition: Good Usable
Price: $7,000
Description: This Old Town display model has seen some very hard use as a children's toy at one point. However, the lettering is still clearly visable on both sides although much of the original paint is missing. It had no seats or thwarts when I found it so those have been replaced to keep the hull from spreading out. It appears to have serial number 70192 written in pencil on the inside stem. This would date it as circa 1922. It is believed to be the earliest numbered display model to survive. It came from a sporting camp in Wisconsin on Lake Superior. My guess is that it originally shipped to Kennedy Arms in Minnesota since they were the closest Old Town dealer who was buying railroad cars full of canoes at that time.
Rare OT 48" Display Model with Outside Stems
Price: $15,000 including packing and shipping
Eugene, Oregon
Excellent restored condition. The interior is completely original and the exterior is newly painted as a "photographers model" with one side blue and the other yellow. A professional detailing artist painted the maple leaf bow art and pinstripe. Refinished outside stems are original and very rare. The hand written serial number 76789 has not been found in the OT records. Stand not included.
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