This list of old Maine canoe builders was started by the Penobscot Marine Museum for their 2001 exhibit titled "Bark to Canvas: The Evolution of a Maine Canoe." Special thanks to Kathryn Campbell and Jeff McKeen for their outstanding help in starting and generously sharing this research.
Please contact for any additions or corrections to this information.
Maine Builder's Name | Era | Town | County |
Acadia Canoe Shop, Lee K. LaBelle | 1995-2015 | Ellsworth | Hancock |
Androscoggin Boat & Canoe Co. | 1970s - 1980s | Wayne | Kennebec |
Arnold Trail Boat & Canoe Co. | 1959 - 1966 | Solon | Somerset |
Ayer, George | 1920s - 1930s | Moose River | Somerset |
Ayer, Leon | 1940s | Rockwood | Somerset |
Ayer, Leon | 1940s | Farmington | Franklin |
Bacon, Herb "Beaver" | 1900 - 1930s | Grand Lake Stream | Washington |
Bacon, Timothy, canoes | 1959 - 1966 | Grand Lake Stream | Washington |
Barber, Plummer, canoes | 1902 - 1931 | Springfield | Penobscot |
Barker, D.B., birch and canvas canoes | 1889 - 1890 | Lowell | Penobscot |
Barker, William, canoes | 1950s | Newry | Oxford |
Baron, Wally | 1960s - 1980s | Bingham | Somerset |
Barrett, C. W., light cedar boats and canvas canoes | 1899 | Rangeley Lakes | Franklin |
Bassett, Bob, Kimball Pond Boat Barn | 2003-present | Vienna | Kennebec |
Batchelder, F. O., canoes | 1896 | Burlington | Penobscot |
Bean, G. W., canoes and mouldings | 1898 - 1919 | Brownville | Piscataquis |
Bernard, Oliver, bark canoes | 1890s - 1920 | Greenville | Piscataquis |
Bernier, James | 1890s - 1907 | Upton | Oxford |
Berry, Maurice "Mok" | 1970s - 1980s | Jacksonville | Washington |
Blanchard, Harold "Doc" | 1960s - 1990s | Greenville | Piscataquis |
Boles, H. | 1896 - 1898 | Kennebunkport | York |
Boothman, George T., boats and canoes | 1920s - 1930s | Greenville | Piscataquis |
Boucher, Robert | 1918 - 1922 | Sinclair | Aroostook |
Bowley, Harvey | 1940s | Old Town | Penobscot |
Bray, F. W., boats and canoes | 1902 - 1909 | Monson | Piscataquis |
Burtchell, Ludrich, small boats & canoes | 1952 - 1955 | Fort Fairfield | Aroostook |
Bussel, Isaiah. W. | 1899-1900 | Old Town | Penobscot |
Buxton & Young, Camp Onawa | 1890s | Brownville | Piscataquis |
Caldwell, George | 1940s | Rockwood | Somerset |
Carleton, Guy E., batteaux and canoes | 1888 - 1896 | Old Town | Penobscot |
Carleton Canoe Co. | 1899 - 1941 | Old Town | Penobscot |
Carleton, O.H., batteau | 1869 - 1879 | Old Town | Penobscot |
Chick, George | 1906 - 1915 | Kennebunkport | York |
Clark, Clement L. | 1910 - 1913 | Kennebunkport | York |
Clossian, Swaisson, birch canoes | 1890s | Indian Island | Penobscot |
Comstock, Mert | 1940s - 1950s | Rockwood | Somerset |
Corson, Anson G. | 1952 - 1958 | Madison | Somerset |
Craft Bilt Boat and Canoe Co. | 1940 - 1947 | Solon | Somerset |
Cyr, Mike, paddle maker | 1920s | Chesuncook | Piscataquis |
Dana, Francis, birch canoes | 1890s | Pleasant Point | Washington |
Darling, Amassa P., boatbuilder | 1905 - 1914 | Enfield | Penobscot |
Darling, Jonathan, birch and canvas canoes | 1890 - 1897 | Lowell | Penobscot |
Davis, C. A., canoes and snowshoes | 1915 - 1923 | Monson / Elliottsville Plantation | Piscataquis |
Davis, Roy L., canoes | 1950 - 1963 | Elliotsville Plantation | Piscataquis |
Davis & Preble, canoes and snowshoes | 1907 - 1914 | Elliotsville Plantation | Piscataquis |
Denis, Nicola, birch canoes | 1890s | Pleasant Point | Washington |
Dinsmore, Ed | 1908 - 1925 | Portage Lake | Aroostook |
Dolphin Craft Boat & Canoe Co. | 1958 - 1960 | Oakland | Kennebec |
Dorman Brothers | 1905 - 1920 | Ashland | Aroostook |
Dunphy, E. | 1908 | Island Falls | Aroostook |
Dutelley, Alec, canoes | 1903 - 1909 | Jackman Plantation | Somerset |
Dutelle, Ed, canoes | 1930s - 1950s | Jackman | Somerset |
Dunn, Mr., birch canoes | 1870s-1880s | Lunksoos, Hunt's Farm, T3 R7 | Penobscot |
Eaton, Dan & Whiting, Linda, Smallboat Shop | 1990s - 2021 | Denmark | Oxford |
Edgar, Dave | 1980s - 2001 | Jackman | Somerset |
Edgerly, Harry | 1940s - 1950s | Atkinson | Piscataquis |
Fahey, Mick, canoe and paddle maker | 1960s - 1970s | Chesuncook | Piscataquis |
Field & Beach | 1911 - 1912 | Princeton | Washington |
Flewelling, A.E., & "Cedarcraft 20" | 1950s | Crouseville | Aroostook |
Fogg, Augustus, moccasins and canoes | 1889 - 1892 | Lowell | Penobscot |
Francis, J. M., canoes | 1887 | Olamon, Greenbush | Penobscot |
Francis, Louis, birch canoes | 1890s - 1910 | Kennebunkport | York |
Francis, Tom, birch canoes | 1870s | Pleasant Point | Washington |
Gabriel, Sylvester, birch canoes | 1920s | Pleasant Point | Washington |
Gagner, Bob, Sprague Canoes | 1970s - 2020 | Grand Lake Stream | Washington |
Gallupe, Asa, "Aroostook Chief" | 1938 - 1952 | Fort Fairfield | Aroostook |
Gerrish, E.H., canoes | 1881 - 1908 | Bangor | Penobscot |
Gerrish Canoe Company | 1910 - 1930s | Cardville (Costigan) | Penobscot |
Godfrey, A. B., canoes, paddles and poles | 1894 - 1896 | Old Town | Penobscot |
Godfrey & Roundy, canoes, paddles and poles | 1893 | Old Town | Penobscot |
Gollin, William | circa 1920s | Grand Lake Stream | Washington |
Gould Brothers, canvas boats and canoes | 1898 - 1902 | Brewer | Penobscot |
Gould, C. A. | 1900 - 1904 | Brewer | Penobscot |
Gray, William W. | 1926 - 1929 | Enfield | Penobscot |
Grenier, Don, Cambex and Casco Bay Wood Products | 1988 - 1993 | Stroudwater, Portland | Cumberland |
Guibord, Russell P., Cane & Canvas | 2020 - 2021 | Bristol | Lincoln |
Harrington, D. S., sleds and canoes | 1887 - 1895 | Greenville | Piscataquis |
Hawkins & McKay | 1899 | Ashland | Aroostook |
Heckman, D. H., boatbuilder | 1896 - 1915 | Kennebunkport | York |
Horton, G. W., canoes | 1890s | Patten | Penobscot |
Hosmer, H. H., snow shoes & canoes | 1907 - 1918 | Norway | Oxford |
Howe Fur Company, Ed Howe's Maine Made Best Canoes | 1936 - 1950s | Cooper's Mills | Lincoln |
Hunt & Morrison, canoes | 1887 | Old Town | Penobscot |
Hunt G. H., & Stowe, canvas and birch canoes | 1893 - 1907 | Old Town | Penobscot |
Indian Old Town Canoe Co. | 1900 - 1902 | Old Town | Penobscot |
Ingalls, S. L., batteaux and canoes | 1897 - 1907 | Old Town | Penobscot |
Iris Boatworks | 1980s - 1990s | Marshfield | Washington |
Jackson Boat & Canoe Co. | 1952 - 1966 | Veazie | Penobscot |
Jameson, Martin S. | 1905 - 1940 | Brewer | Penobscot |
Jackson, Percy | 1960s - 1970s | New Sweden | Aroostook |
Kealiher, Cliff | 1960s - 1990s | Kokadjo | Piscataquis |
Kennebec Boat & Canoe Co. | 1910 - 1944 | Waterville | Kennebec |
Kirkpatrick, George | 1888 - 1894 | Greenville | Piscataquis |
Larson, Bruce, Georges River Canoe | 2020s | Warren | Knox |
Leavitt, Lewis A., canvas canoes, paddles and poles | 1898 - 1904 | Old Town | Penobscot |
Leavitt Quality Corporation, James A. Leavitt | 1978 - 1990 | Newburgh | Penobscot |
Leighton, Jasper, Jap's Boat Shop | 1966 | Pittsfield | Somerset |
Levenseller, Arthur "Boots" | 1950s - 1960s | Dover | Piscataquis |
Lewey, John | 1930 | Old Town | Penobscot |
Libby, A. W. | 1920 - 1923 | Harrison | Cumberland |
Libby, Bert | 1980s - 2015 | Litchfield | Kennebec |
Lincoln, Robert K. | 1982 - 2003 | Mt Desert | Hancock |
Lolar, Philip J. | 1930 | Old Town | Penobscot |
Loomis, H. W. | 1899 | Rangeley | Franklin |
Ludden, F. A. | 1888 | East Lincoln | Penobscot |
Luke, W. R., canvas canoes, paddles and poles | 1905 | Old Town | Penobscot |
Masterman, Edward | 1880s - 1900 | Greenville | Piscataquis |
Masterman, George | 1900 - 1930 | Greenville | Piscataquis |
Masterman, Richard | 1900 - 1930 | Greenville | Piscataquis |
Maybury's Canoe Shop | 1973 - 1983 | Brewer | Penobscot |
McAllister, Erwin | 1950s - 1960s | Abbott | Piscataquis |
McClain, A. & Son, | 1895 - 1897 | Brownville | Piscataquis |
McClain, Albert & Son, canoes and snowshoes | 1884 - 1893 | Passadumkeag | Penobscot |
McClain, Alex, birch canoes | 1880s | Chesuncook | Piscataquis |
McKay, C.E. | 1930 - 1938 | Ashland | Aroostook |
McKay, Walter S. | 1910 - 1931 | Ashland | Aroostook |
McLain, A. & Son, canoes | 1895 - 1897 | Brownville | Piscataquis |
McNally, Fred A. | 1910 - 1914 | Portage Lake | Aroostook |
McPhetres, William & Albert, canoes, boats and paddles | 1906 - 1909 | Old Town | Penobscot |
Mell, Joe | 1890s - 1920 | Grand Lake Stream | Washington |
Miller, Lauris "Gump" | 1972 - 2016 | North Lubec | Washington |
Mitchell, Thomas B. | 1930 | Old Town | Penobscot |
Moore, Lawrence "Pop" | 1959 - 1966 | Grand Lake Stream | Washington |
Moore, Nathan B., bark canoes | 1890s | Bingham | Somerset |
Morris, B.N., canvas canoes | 1892 - 1920 | Veazie | Penobscot |
Neal, D. B., canoes and snowshoes | 1899 - 1923 | Dover | Piscataquis |
Nelson, Horace | 1930 | Old Town | Penobscot |
Nichols, Thomas, birch canoes | 1870s-1880s | Old Town | Penobscot |
Oakland Boat & Canoe Co. | 1959 - 1960 | Oakland | Kennebec |
Oat Canoe Company | 1980s | Mt. Vernon | Kennebec |
Old Town Canoe Co. | 1903 - present | Old Town | Penobscot |
Orcutt & Walter S. McKay, smiths, woodworking and canoes | 1900 - 1909 | Ashland | Aroostook |
Packard, Henry A., canoes and snowshoes | 1902 - 1923 | Dover | Piscataquis |
Parlin, W. E., boats & canoes | 1904 - 1923 | Weld | Franklin |
Patten, Roland T., boats & canoes | 1924 | Skowhegan | Somerset |
Paul, Gabriel N. | 1930 | Old Town | Penobscot |
Peabody, John | 1910 | Kennebunkport | York |
Pelletier, Len | 1960s - 1980s | Allagash | Aroostook |
Pennyweight, Old John, birch canoes | 1850s | Indian Island | Penobscot |
Penobscot Canoe Co. | 1916 - 1923 | Milford | Penobscot |
Perpole, Joe, birch canoes | 1890s | Sysladobsis Lake | Washington |
Pielsak, Louis, birch canoes | 1900 - 1920s | Indian Island | Penobscot |
Polis, Joe, birch canoes | 1850s - 1870s | Indian Island | Penobscot |
Prescott Boat Company, boats and canoes | 1940 - 1950 | Brewer | Penobscot |
Prince, Norm, canoes | 1950s - 1960s | Monmouth | Kennebec |
Ranco, Francis | 1930 | Old Town | Penobscot |
Ranco, George | 1930 | Old Town | Penobscot |
Ranco, Joseph, birch and canvas canoes | 1889 - 1993 | Old Town | Penobscot |
Ranco, Nick, birch canoes | 1930s - 1940s | Indian Island | Penobscot |
Ranco, T., canoes | 1887 | Olamon, Greenbush | Penobscot |
Reckards, Fred | 1960s - 1980s | Rockwood | Somerset |
Redman, Will, canvas canoes | 1889 | Moose River | Somerset |
Ripley, P. C., river driving tools and canoes | 1896 - 1911 | Magalloway | Oxford |
Ripley, P. C., river driving tools and canoes | 1912 - 1915 | Lincoln Plantations | Oxford |
Rivers & Gilman, Moulded Products, Inc., "Indian Brand Canoes" | 1965-1968 | Hampden | Penobscot |
Robertson & Old Town Canoe Co. | 1902 - 1903 | Old Town | Penobscot |
Robertson Canoe or Boat Company | ? - 1977? | Bradley | Penobscot |
Rogers, Frank | circa 1938 | Princeton | Washington |
Rollins & I. W. Buzzell, batteaux and canoes | 1897 - 1899 | Old Town | Penobscot |
St. Germain, William, "Moosehead" canoes & boats | 1912 - 1914 | Greenville | Piscataquis |
Sawyer, J. Fred | 1920s | Greenville | Piscataquis |
Seavey, M. B. | 1896 - 1915 | Kennebunkport | York |
Sebago Boat | 1956 - 1958 | Sebago | Cumberland |
Sebago Boat & Canoe Co. | 1950 - 1956 | Portland | Cumberland |
Sabattis, Shay, birch canoes | 1893 | Indian Island | Penobscot |
Sebattis, Dana, birch canoes | 1860s - 1870s | Indian Island | Penobscot |
Sibley, Ira, canoes | 1869 - 1898 | Burlington | Penobscot |
Shorty Bilt Boat & Canoe Co. | 1956 - 1966 | Solon | Somerset |
Skowhegan Boat & Canoe Co. | 1931 - 1952 | Skowhegan / Norridgewock | Somerset |
Smart, Myron | 1940s - 1970s | Milo | Piscataquis |
Smith, N. H., canoes. | 1888 - 1892 | Greenville | Piscataquis |
Smith, Percy L. | 1922 - 1923 | Harrison | Cumberland |
Smith, W. P. | 1920 - 1921 | Harrison | Cumberland |
Sock, Lewie (Louie) P., birch bark canoes | 1870s - 1890s | Indian Island | Penobscot |
Sprague, Joe | 1912 - 1938 | Grand Lake Stream | Washington |
Sprague, Sonny | 1960s - 2003 | Grand Lake Stream | Washington |
Sprague, William | 1927 - 1966 | Grand Lake Stream | Washington |
Stanislaw, Francis, birch canoes | 1920s | Lincoln | Penobscot |
Stelmok, Jerry, Island Falls Canoe Co. | 1970s - present | Atkinson | Piscataquis |
Stephenson, George R., canvas covered cedar canoes and boats | 1896 - 1927 | Norway | Oxford |
Stetson, Joseph B., canoes | 1893 | Lincoln | Penobscot |
Stevens, Owen | 1901 - 1902 | Kennebunkport | York |
Stevens, W. F., builder of all-wood decked sailing canoes | 1890s | Bath | Sagadahoc |
Stevens, W. F., builder of all-wood decked sailing canoes | 1900 - 1922 | Boothbay Harbor | Lincoln |
Stevens, W. F., builder of all-wood decked sailing canoes | 1870s | Union | Knox |
Stone, W. Lawrence, blacksmith and canoe builder | 1920s - 1930s | Lovell | Oxford |
Stroudwater Canoe Co. | 1920s | Portland | Cumberland |
Templeton, Fred | 1920s - 1930s | Greenville | Piscataquis |
Templeton, Arthur | 1920s - 1930s | Rockwood | Somerset |
Thatcher, C.B. | 1896 - 1913 | Bangor | Penobscot |
Thomas, F. M., Cedar canoes | 1880s | Andover | Oxford |
Thomas, Willis | 1970s - 1980s | Dover | Piscataquis |
Thurlow, Rollin, Northwoods Canoe Co. | 1980s - present | Atkinson | Piscataquis |
Tobey, Dale, Grand Lake Canoe + Paddle | 2005 - present | Grand Lake Stream | Washington |
Tomah, Neal, birch canoes | 1890s | Big Lake | Washington |
Tomah, Joseph, birch canoes | 1870s - 1900 | Pleasant Point | Washington |
Tracy, H. E. | 1902-1904 | Winter Harbor | Hancock |
Trott, Cleveland | 1896 - 1913 | Kennebunkport | York |
Twaddle, E. S. | 1899 - 1905 | Weld | Franklin |
Veazie Canoe Company | 1905 - 1920 | Veazie | Penobscot |
Wallace, William D., canoes | 1883 | Old Town | Penobscot |
Walton, Herbert D., canoes | 1911 - 1919 | Greenbush | Penobscot |
Warner, B. | 1906 - 1915 | Kennebunkport | York |
Warren, W. C., canoes | 1898 - 1912 | Lincoln | Penobscot |
Weatherbee, A. W., canoes | 1888 - 1891 | Lincoln | Penobscot |
Wetmore, Ken | 1970s | New Limerick | Aroostook |
Wheaton, Kenneth | 1940s - present | Grand Lake Stream | Washington |
Wheaton, Arthur | 1900 - 1930s | Grand Lake Stream | Washington |
Wheaton, Chris | 1970s - present | Grand Lake Stream | Washington |
Wheaton, Lance | 1960s - present | Grand Lake Stream | Washington |
Wheaton, Woodworth "Woodie" | 1959 - 1966 | Grand Lake Stream | Washington |
White, E. M., canvas canoes, paddles and poles | 1894 - 1985 | Old Town | Penobscot |
Whitney, W. A. | 1898 | Milo | Piscataquis |
Williams, John R., canoes and boats | 1896 - 1915 | Kennebunkport | York |
York, R. A. | 1909 - 1916 | Hampden | Penobscot |
Young, C. C. | 1877 - 1898 | The Forks | Somerset |
Young, W. W., canoes & snowshoes | 1906 - 1911 | The Forks Plantation | Somerset |
? Unknown, $400 canoe shop built | 1909 | Seboeis Plantation | Penobscot |