Wooden Canoe Heritage Association

The Canoe Builders of Maine

This list of old Maine canoe builders was started by the Penobscot Marine Museum for their 2001 exhibit titled "Bark to Canvas: The Evolution of a Maine Canoe." Special thanks to Kathryn Campbell and Jeff McKeen for their outstanding help in starting and generously sharing this research.

Please contact benson@maine.rr.com for any additions or corrections to this information.

Maine Builder's Name Era Town County
Acadia Canoe Shop, Lee K. LaBelle 1995-2015 Ellsworth Hancock
Androscoggin Boat & Canoe Co. 1970s - 1980s Wayne Kennebec
Arnold Trail Boat & Canoe Co. 1959 - 1966 Solon Somerset
Ayer, George 1920s - 1930s Moose River Somerset
Ayer, Leon 1940s Rockwood Somerset
Ayer, Leon 1940s Farmington Franklin
Bacon, Herb "Beaver" 1900 - 1930s Grand Lake Stream Washington
Bacon, Timothy, canoes 1959 - 1966 Grand Lake Stream Washington
Barber, Plummer, canoes 1902 - 1931 Springfield Penobscot
Barker, D.B., birch and canvas canoes 1889 - 1890 Lowell Penobscot
Barker, William, canoes 1950s Newry Oxford
Baron, Wally 1960s - 1980s Bingham Somerset
Barrett, C. W., light cedar boats and canvas canoes 1899 Rangeley Lakes Franklin
Bassett, Bob, Kimball Pond Boat Barn 2003-present Vienna Kennebec
Batchelder, F. O., canoes 1896 Burlington Penobscot
Bean, G. W., canoes and mouldings 1898 - 1919 Brownville Piscataquis
Bernard, Oliver, bark canoes 1890s - 1920 Greenville Piscataquis
Bernier, James 1890s - 1907 Upton Oxford
Berry, Maurice "Mok" 1970s - 1980s Jacksonville Washington
Blanchard, Harold "Doc" 1960s - 1990s Greenville Piscataquis
Boles, H. 1896 - 1898 Kennebunkport York
Boothman, George T., boats and canoes 1920s - 1930s Greenville Piscataquis
Boucher, Robert 1918 - 1922 Sinclair Aroostook
Bowley, Harvey 1940s Old Town Penobscot
Bray, F. W., boats and canoes 1902 - 1909 Monson Piscataquis
Burtchell, Ludrich, small boats & canoes 1952 - 1955 Fort Fairfield Aroostook
Bussel, Isaiah. W. 1899-1900 Old Town Penobscot
Buxton & Young, Camp Onawa 1890s Brownville Piscataquis
Caldwell, George 1940s Rockwood Somerset
Carleton, Guy E., batteaux and canoes 1888 - 1896 Old Town Penobscot
Carleton Canoe Co. 1899 - 1941 Old Town Penobscot
Carleton, O.H., batteau 1869 - 1879 Old Town Penobscot
Chick, George 1906 - 1915 Kennebunkport York
Clark, Clement L. 1910 - 1913 Kennebunkport York
Clossian, Swaisson, birch canoes 1890s Indian Island Penobscot
Comstock, Mert 1940s - 1950s Rockwood Somerset
Corson, Anson G. 1952 - 1958 Madison Somerset
Craft Bilt Boat and Canoe Co. 1940 - 1947 Solon Somerset
Cyr, Mike, paddle maker 1920s Chesuncook Piscataquis
Dana, Francis, birch canoes 1890s Pleasant Point Washington
Darling, Amassa P., boatbuilder 1905 - 1914 Enfield Penobscot
Darling, Jonathan, birch and canvas canoes 1890 - 1897 Lowell Penobscot
Davis, C. A., canoes and snowshoes 1915 - 1923 Monson / Elliottsville Plantation Piscataquis
Davis, Roy L., canoes 1950 - 1963 Elliotsville Plantation Piscataquis
Davis & Preble, canoes and snowshoes 1907 - 1914 Elliotsville Plantation Piscataquis
Denis, Nicola, birch canoes 1890s Pleasant Point Washington
Dinsmore, Ed 1908 - 1925 Portage Lake Aroostook
Dolphin Craft Boat & Canoe Co. 1958 - 1960 Oakland Kennebec
Dorman Brothers 1905 - 1920 Ashland Aroostook
Dunphy, E. 1908 Island Falls Aroostook
Dutelley, Alec, canoes 1903 - 1909 Jackman Plantation Somerset
Dutelle, Ed, canoes 1930s - 1950s Jackman Somerset
Dunn, Mr., birch canoes 1870s-1880s Lunksoos, Hunt's Farm, T3 R7 Penobscot
Eaton, Dan & Whiting, Linda, Smallboat Shop 1990s - 2021 Denmark Oxford
Edgar, Dave 1980s - 2001 Jackman Somerset
Edgerly, Harry 1940s - 1950s Atkinson Piscataquis
Fahey, Mick, canoe and paddle maker 1960s - 1970s Chesuncook Piscataquis
Field & Beach 1911 - 1912 Princeton Washington
Flewelling, A.E., & "Cedarcraft 20" 1950s Crouseville Aroostook
Fogg, Augustus, moccasins and canoes 1889 - 1892 Lowell Penobscot
Francis, J. M., canoes 1887 Olamon, Greenbush Penobscot
Francis, Louis, birch canoes 1890s - 1910 Kennebunkport York
Francis, Tom, birch canoes 1870s Pleasant Point Washington
Gabriel, Sylvester, birch canoes 1920s Pleasant Point Washington
Gagner, Bob, Sprague Canoes 1970s - 2020 Grand Lake Stream Washington
Gallupe, Asa, "Aroostook Chief" 1938 - 1952 Fort Fairfield Aroostook
Gerrish, E.H., canoes 1881 - 1908 Bangor Penobscot
Gerrish Canoe Company 1910 - 1930s Cardville (Costigan) Penobscot
Godfrey, A. B., canoes, paddles and poles 1894 - 1896 Old Town Penobscot
Godfrey & Roundy, canoes, paddles and poles 1893 Old Town Penobscot
Gollin, William circa 1920s Grand Lake Stream Washington
Gould Brothers, canvas boats and canoes 1898 - 1902 Brewer Penobscot
Gould, C. A. 1900 - 1904 Brewer Penobscot
Gray, William W. 1926 - 1929 Enfield Penobscot
Grenier, Don, Cambex and Casco Bay Wood Products 1988 - 1993 Stroudwater, Portland Cumberland
Guibord, Russell P., Cane & Canvas 2020 - 2021 Bristol Lincoln
Harrington, D. S., sleds and canoes 1887 - 1895 Greenville Piscataquis
Hawkins & McKay 1899 Ashland Aroostook
Heckman, D. H., boatbuilder 1896 - 1915 Kennebunkport York
Horton, G. W., canoes 1890s Patten Penobscot
Hosmer, H. H., snow shoes & canoes 1907 - 1918 Norway Oxford
Howe Fur Company, Ed Howe's Maine Made Best Canoes 1936 - 1950s Cooper's Mills Lincoln
Hunt & Morrison, canoes 1887 Old Town Penobscot
Hunt G. H., & Stowe, canvas and birch canoes 1893 - 1907 Old Town Penobscot
Indian Old Town Canoe Co. 1900 - 1902 Old Town Penobscot
Ingalls, S. L., batteaux and canoes 1897 - 1907 Old Town Penobscot
Iris Boatworks 1980s - 1990s Marshfield Washington
Jackson Boat & Canoe Co. 1952 - 1966 Veazie Penobscot
Jameson, Martin S. 1905 - 1940 Brewer Penobscot
Jackson, Percy 1960s - 1970s New Sweden Aroostook
Kealiher, Cliff 1960s - 1990s Kokadjo Piscataquis
Kennebec Boat & Canoe Co. 1910 - 1944 Waterville Kennebec
Kirkpatrick, George 1888 - 1894 Greenville Piscataquis
Larson, Bruce, Georges River Canoe 2020s Warren Knox
Leavitt, Lewis A., canvas canoes, paddles and poles 1898 - 1904 Old Town Penobscot
Leavitt Quality Corporation, James A. Leavitt 1978 - 1990 Newburgh Penobscot
Leighton, Jasper, Jap's Boat Shop 1966 Pittsfield Somerset
Levenseller, Arthur "Boots" 1950s - 1960s Dover Piscataquis
Lewey, John 1930 Old Town Penobscot
Libby, A. W. 1920 - 1923 Harrison Cumberland
Libby, Bert 1980s - 2015 Litchfield Kennebec
Lincoln, Robert K. 1982 - 2003 Mt Desert Hancock
Lolar, Philip J. 1930 Old Town Penobscot
Loomis, H. W. 1899 Rangeley Franklin
Ludden, F. A. 1888 East Lincoln Penobscot
Luke, W. R., canvas canoes, paddles and poles 1905 Old Town Penobscot
Masterman, Edward 1880s - 1900 Greenville Piscataquis
Masterman, George 1900 - 1930 Greenville Piscataquis
Masterman, Richard 1900 - 1930 Greenville Piscataquis
Maybury's Canoe Shop 1973 - 1983 Brewer Penobscot
McAllister, Erwin 1950s - 1960s Abbott Piscataquis
McClain, A. & Son, 1895 - 1897 Brownville Piscataquis
McClain, Albert & Son, canoes and snowshoes 1884 - 1893 Passadumkeag Penobscot
McClain, Alex, birch canoes 1880s Chesuncook Piscataquis
McKay, C.E. 1930 - 1938 Ashland Aroostook
McKay, Walter S. 1910 - 1931 Ashland Aroostook
McLain, A. & Son, canoes 1895 - 1897 Brownville Piscataquis
McNally, Fred A. 1910 - 1914 Portage Lake Aroostook
McPhetres, William & Albert, canoes, boats and paddles 1906 - 1909 Old Town Penobscot
Mell, Joe 1890s - 1920 Grand Lake Stream Washington
Miller, Lauris "Gump" 1972 - 2016 North Lubec Washington
Mitchell, Thomas B. 1930 Old Town Penobscot
Moore, Lawrence "Pop" 1959 - 1966 Grand Lake Stream Washington
Moore, Nathan B., bark canoes 1890s Bingham Somerset
Morris, B.N., canvas canoes 1892 - 1920 Veazie Penobscot
Neal, D. B., canoes and snowshoes 1899 - 1923 Dover Piscataquis
Nelson, Horace 1930 Old Town Penobscot
Nichols, Thomas, birch canoes 1870s-1880s Old Town Penobscot
Oakland Boat & Canoe Co. 1959 - 1960 Oakland Kennebec
Oat Canoe Company 1980s Mt. Vernon Kennebec
Old Town Canoe Co. 1903 - present Old Town Penobscot
Orcutt & Walter S. McKay, smiths, woodworking and canoes 1900 - 1909 Ashland Aroostook
Packard, Henry A., canoes and snowshoes 1902 - 1923 Dover Piscataquis
Parlin, W. E., boats & canoes 1904 - 1923 Weld Franklin
Patten, Roland T., boats & canoes 1924 Skowhegan Somerset
Paul, Gabriel N. 1930 Old Town Penobscot
Peabody, John 1910 Kennebunkport York
Pelletier, Len 1960s - 1980s Allagash Aroostook
Pennyweight, Old John, birch canoes 1850s Indian Island Penobscot
Penobscot Canoe Co. 1916 - 1923 Milford Penobscot
Perpole, Joe, birch canoes 1890s Sysladobsis Lake Washington
Pielsak, Louis, birch canoes 1900 - 1920s Indian Island Penobscot
Polis, Joe, birch canoes 1850s - 1870s Indian Island Penobscot
Prescott Boat Company, boats and canoes 1940 - 1950 Brewer Penobscot
Prince, Norm, canoes 1950s - 1960s Monmouth Kennebec
Ranco, Francis 1930 Old Town Penobscot
Ranco, George 1930 Old Town Penobscot
Ranco, Joseph, birch and canvas canoes 1889 - 1993 Old Town Penobscot
Ranco, Nick, birch canoes 1930s - 1940s Indian Island Penobscot
Ranco, T., canoes 1887 Olamon, Greenbush Penobscot
Reckards, Fred 1960s - 1980s Rockwood Somerset
Redman, Will, canvas canoes 1889 Moose River Somerset
Ripley, P. C., river driving tools and canoes 1896 - 1911 Magalloway Oxford
Ripley, P. C., river driving tools and canoes 1912 - 1915 Lincoln Plantations Oxford
Rivers & Gilman, Moulded Products, Inc., "Indian Brand Canoes" 1965-1968 Hampden Penobscot
Robertson & Old Town Canoe Co. 1902 - 1903 Old Town Penobscot
Robertson Canoe or Boat Company ? - 1977? Bradley Penobscot
Rogers, Frank circa 1938 Princeton Washington
Rollins & I. W. Buzzell, batteaux and canoes 1897 - 1899 Old Town Penobscot
St. Germain, William, "Moosehead" canoes & boats 1912 - 1914 Greenville Piscataquis
Sawyer, J. Fred 1920s Greenville Piscataquis
Seavey, M. B. 1896 - 1915 Kennebunkport York
Sebago Boat 1956 - 1958 Sebago Cumberland
Sebago Boat & Canoe Co. 1950 - 1956 Portland Cumberland
Sabattis, Shay, birch canoes 1893 Indian Island Penobscot
Sebattis, Dana, birch canoes 1860s - 1870s Indian Island Penobscot
Sibley, Ira, canoes 1869 - 1898 Burlington Penobscot
Shorty Bilt Boat & Canoe Co. 1956 - 1966 Solon Somerset
Skowhegan Boat & Canoe Co. 1931 - 1952 Skowhegan / Norridgewock Somerset
Smart, Myron 1940s - 1970s Milo Piscataquis
Smith, N. H., canoes. 1888 - 1892 Greenville Piscataquis
Smith, Percy L. 1922 - 1923 Harrison Cumberland
Smith, W. P. 1920 - 1921 Harrison Cumberland
Sock, Lewie (Louie) P., birch bark canoes 1870s - 1890s Indian Island Penobscot
Sprague, Joe 1912 - 1938 Grand Lake Stream Washington
Sprague, Sonny 1960s - 2003 Grand Lake Stream Washington
Sprague, William 1927 - 1966 Grand Lake Stream Washington
Stanislaw, Francis, birch canoes 1920s Lincoln Penobscot
Stelmok, Jerry, Island Falls Canoe Co. 1970s - present Atkinson Piscataquis
Stephenson, George R., canvas covered cedar canoes and boats 1896 - 1927 Norway Oxford
Stetson, Joseph B., canoes 1893 Lincoln Penobscot
Stevens, Owen 1901 - 1902 Kennebunkport York
Stevens, W. F., builder of all-wood decked sailing canoes 1890s Bath Sagadahoc
Stevens, W. F., builder of all-wood decked sailing canoes 1900 - 1922 Boothbay Harbor Lincoln
Stevens, W. F., builder of all-wood decked sailing canoes 1870s Union Knox
Stone, W. Lawrence, blacksmith and canoe builder 1920s - 1930s Lovell Oxford
Stroudwater Canoe Co. 1920s Portland Cumberland
Templeton, Fred 1920s - 1930s Greenville Piscataquis
Templeton, Arthur 1920s - 1930s Rockwood Somerset
Thatcher, C.B. 1896 - 1913 Bangor Penobscot
Thomas, F. M., Cedar canoes 1880s Andover Oxford
Thomas, Willis 1970s - 1980s Dover Piscataquis
Thurlow, Rollin, Northwoods Canoe Co. 1980s - present Atkinson Piscataquis
Tobey, Dale, Grand Lake Canoe + Paddle 2005 - present Grand Lake Stream Washington
Tomah, Neal, birch canoes 1890s Big Lake Washington
Tomah, Joseph, birch canoes 1870s - 1900 Pleasant Point Washington
Tracy, H. E. 1902-1904 Winter Harbor Hancock
Trott, Cleveland 1896 - 1913 Kennebunkport York
Twaddle, E. S. 1899 - 1905 Weld Franklin
Veazie Canoe Company 1905 - 1920 Veazie Penobscot
Wallace, William D., canoes 1883 Old Town Penobscot
Walton, Herbert D., canoes 1911 - 1919 Greenbush Penobscot
Warner, B. 1906 - 1915 Kennebunkport York
Warren, W. C., canoes 1898 - 1912 Lincoln Penobscot
Weatherbee, A. W., canoes 1888 - 1891 Lincoln Penobscot
Wetmore, Ken 1970s New Limerick Aroostook
Wheaton, Kenneth 1940s - present Grand Lake Stream Washington
Wheaton, Arthur 1900 - 1930s Grand Lake Stream Washington
Wheaton, Chris 1970s - present Grand Lake Stream Washington
Wheaton, Lance 1960s - present Grand Lake Stream Washington
Wheaton, Woodworth "Woodie" 1959 - 1966 Grand Lake Stream Washington
White, E. M., canvas canoes, paddles and poles 1894 - 1985 Old Town Penobscot
Whitney, W. A. 1898 Milo Piscataquis
Williams, John R., canoes and boats 1896 - 1915 Kennebunkport York
York, R. A. 1909 - 1916 Hampden Penobscot
Young, C. C. 1877 - 1898 The Forks Somerset
Young, W. W., canoes & snowshoes 1906 - 1911 The Forks Plantation Somerset
? Unknown, $400 canoe shop built 1909 Seboeis Plantation Penobscot