Wooden Canoe Heritage Association

Wooden Canoe Bibliography

This is a list of books related to wooden canoes, canoe trips, and similar small craft. The links will take you to a site where you can learn more about them, buy or download a copy.

Please contact webmaster@wcha.org for any additions or corrections to this information.

Author(s) Title Date
Adney, [Edwin] Tappan and Behne, C. Ted (editor) The Travel Journals of Tappan Adney, Vol. 1, 1887-1890 2010
Adney, [Edwin] Tappan and Chapelle, Howard Bark Canoes and Skin Boats of North America 1964
Asfeldt, Morten and Henderson, Bob Pike's Portage: Stories of a Distinguished Place 2018
Audette, Susan T. and Baker, David E. The Old Town Canoe Company: Our First Hundred Years 1998
Back, Brian The Keewaydin Way: The Story of the World's Oldest Canoe-trip Camp 2004
Baldwin, Laura Edith The Boat Builders of Hamilton; From the mid 1800s to present 1992
Benedickson, Jamie Idleness, Water, and a Canoe: Reflections on Paddling for Pleasure 1997
Bond, Hallie Boats and Boating in the Adirondacks 1998
Bradshaw, Todd Canoe Rig: The Essence and the Art 2000
Brinck, Wolfgang The Aleutian Kayak: Origins, Construction, and Use of the Traditional Seagoing Baidarka 1995
Brown, Ken Invention of the Board Canoe 2001
Brown, Ken The Canadian Canoe Company and the Early Peterborough Canoe Factories 2011
Buckles, Julie Paddling to Winter 2013
Carey, Betty Loman Bijaboji: North to Alaska by Oar 2006
Carleton, Leroy T. Carleton's Pathfinder and Gazetteer 1899
Carr, Lizzie Paddling Britain: 50 Best Places to Explore by SUP, Kayak & Canoe 2018
Chandler, Laurie Apgar Upwards: The Story of the First Woman to Solo Thru-Paddle the Northern Forest Canoe Trail 2017
Chapman, Patrick F. The Willits Brothers and Their Canoes 2006
Conkey Company, W. B. and Handy, Moses P. (editor) The Official Directory of the World's Columbian Exposition, May 1st to October 30th, 1893 1893
Conover, Garrett Beyond the Paddle: A Canoeist's Guide to Expedition Skills 1990
Corad, Susan Inside: One Woman's Journey Through the Inside Passage 2019
Corad, Susan Wildly Inside: A Visual Journey Through the Inside Passage 2019
Cunningham, Christopher Building the Greenland Kayak : A Manual for Its Contruction and Use 2002
Dellenbaugh, Frederick A Canyon Voyage: The Narrative of the Second Powell Expedition down the Green-Colorado River 1908
Dennis, Jerry and Wolff, Glenn (illustrator) From a Wooden Canoe: Reflections on Canoeing, Camping, and Classic Equipment 2000
Dillard, Annie Pilgrim at Tinker Creek 2013
Dina, James Voyage of the Ant 1989
Downes, P. G. and Cockburn, R. H. (editor) P. G. Downes' Journals of Travels in Northern Canada, 1936-1938, volume 1 2012
Downes, P. G. and Cockburn, R. H. (editor) P. G. Downes' Journals of Travels in Northern Canada, 1939-1947, volume 2 2012
Downes, P. G. and Cockburn, R. H. (editor) Sleeping Island: The Narrative of a Summer'sTravel in Northern Manitoba and the Northwest Territories 2013
Dunkin, Jessica Canoe and Canvas: Life at the Encampments of the American Canoe Association, 1880-1910 2019
Durant, Kenneth and Helen The Adirondack Guide-boat 1980
Dyson, George Baidarka: The Kayak 1986
Edwards, Robert Aboriginal bark canoes of the Murray Valley 1972
Elliott, Mike This Old Canoe: How To Restore Your Wood-Canvas Canoe 2015
Erickson, Bruce Canoe Nation: Nature, Race, and the Making of a Canadian Icon 2013
Erickson, Bruce and Krotz, Sarah Wylie (editors) The Politics of the Canoe 2021
Fedarko, Kevin The Emerald Mile: The Epic Story of the Fastest Ride in History Through the Heart of the Grand Canyon 2014
Field, Parker B. and Chambers, Roger Canvas Canoes: How To Build Them: With a Plan and All Dimensions 1895
Fischer, Gordon L. Guideboat Paddles: An Adirondack Treasure 2008
FitzGerald, Holly Ruthless River: Love and Survival by Raft on the Amazon's Relentless Madre de Dios 2017
Fredston, Jill Rowing to Latitude: Journeys Along the Arctic's Edge 2002
Freeman, Amy and Dave A Year in the Wilderness: Bearing Witness in the Boundary Waters 2018
Frentz, Brand and Kruger, Verlen (contributor) The Ultimate Canoe Challenge: 28,000 Miles Through North America 2004
Gidmark, David The Algonquin Birchbark Canoe 1988
Gidmark, David The Indian crafts of William & Mary Commanda 1995
Gidmark, David Birchbark Canoe: Living Among the Algonquins 1997
Gidmark, David Building a Birchbark Canoe: The Algonquin Wabanaki Tciman 2002
Gilpatrick, Gil The Canoe Guide's Handbook: How to Plan and Guide a Trip for Two to Twelve People 1981
Gilpatrick, Gil Building a Strip Canoe, Second Edition, Revised & Expanded 2010
Gilpatrick, Gil Building Wooden Snowshoes & Snowshoe Furniture 2011
Gilpatrick, Gil Allagash: A Journey Through Time on Maine's Legendary Wilderness Waterway 2011
Gilpatrick, Gil Building Outdoor Gear, Revised 2nd Edition: Easy-to-Make Projects for Camping, Fishing, Hunting, & Canoeing 2012
Glickman, Joe Fearless: One Woman, One Kayak, One Continent 2012
Goode, F. W. Beaver Bark Canoes: The Art and Work of Ferdy Goode 2014
Guy, Camil The Weymontaching Birchbark Canoe 1974
Hallock, Charles The Sportsman's Gazetteer and General Guide 1878
Hahn, Jennifer Spirited Waters: Soloing South Through the Inside Passage 2009
Harting, Toni French River: Canoeing the River of the Stick-Wavers 1996
Henderson, Bob Every Trail Has a Story: Heritage Travel in Canada 2005
Henderson, Bob More Trails, More Tales: Exploring Canada's Travel Heritage 2014
Henderson, Bob and Blenkinsop, Sean Paddling Pathways: Reflections from a Changing Landscape 2022
Henderson, Bob and Vikander, Nils (editors) Nature First: Outdoor Life the Friluftsliv Way 2007
Hodgins, Bruce W. and Benedickson, Jamie The Temagami Experience: Recreation, Resources, and Aboriginal Rights in the Northern Ontario Wilderness 1989
Hodgins, Bruce W. and Hobbs, Margaret (editors) Nastawgan: The Canadian North by Canoe & Snowshoe 1987
Hodgins, Bruce W. and Hoyle, Gwyneth Canoeing North Into the Unknown: A Record of River Travel, 1874 to 1974 1997
Hodgins, Bruce W., Jennings, John, et al. (editors) The Canoe in Canadian Culture 2001
Horton, S. Jeff Fuselage Frame Boats: A guide to building skin kayaks and canoes 2011
Hubbard, Lucius Woods and lakes of Maine: a trip from Moosehead Lake to New Brunswick in a birch-bark canoe 1883
Jason, Victoria Kabloona in the Yellow Kayak: One Woman's Journey Through the North West Passage 1999
Jennings, John The Canoe: A Living Tradition 2002
Jennings, John Bark Canoes: The Art and Obsession of Tappan Adney 2004
Johnson, Beth Yukon Wild: The Adventures of Four Women Who Paddled 2,000 Miles Through America's Last Frontier 1984
Kent, Timothy J. Birchbark Canoes of the Fur Trade, Volumes I and II 2002
Kent, Timothy J. Paddling Across the Peninsula: An Important Cross-Michigan Canoe Route During the French Regime 2005
Kent, Timothy J. Rendezvous at the Straits: Fur Trade and Military Activities at Fort de Buade and Fort Michilimackinac, 1669-1781 2005
Keyser, Esther Paddling My Own Canoe 2003
Klos, Kathryn Hilliard The Morris Canoe: Legacy of an American Family 2015
Kulczycki, Chris The Canoe Shop: Three Elegant Wooden Canoes Anyone Can Build 2001
Lenker, Brook The Restorers 2019
Lester, Jean A. History on Birchbark: The Art of Toma Joseph, Passamoquoddy 1993
Linnea, Ann Deep Water Passage: A Spiritual Journey at Midlife 1997
Luukkanen, Harri and Fitzhugh, William W. et al. The Bark Canoes and Skin Boats of Northern Eurasia 2020
MacGregor, John A Thousand Miles in the Rob Roy Canoe on Rivers and Lakes of Europe 1867
MacGregor, John The Rob Roy on the Baltic 1867
MacGregor, John The Rob Roy on the Jordan, Nile, Red Sea & Gennesareth, &c 1869
MacGregor, Roger When the Chestnut Was in Flower - Inside the Chestnut Canoe 1999
MacGregor, Roy Northern Light: The Enduring Mystery of Tom Thomson and the Woman Who Loved Him 2010
MacGregor, Roy Canoe Country: The Making of Canada 2015
MacGregor, Roy Original Highways: Travelling the Great Rivers of Canada 2017
Mallet, Thierry Plain Tales of the North 1925
Mallet, Thierry Glimpses Of The Barren Lands: A Frozen Diary 1930
Manley, Atwood Rushton and His Times in American Canoeing 1977
Manlove, Becca Brin Hauling Water 2011
Mason, Bill Path of the Paddle 1989
McCarthy, [Henry] "Mac" Featherweight Boatbuilding 1996
McPhee, John The Survival of the Bark Canoe 1982
Merrick, Elliot True North: A Journey into Unexplored Wilderness 2010
Michne, John and Olivette, Michael J. (Contributor) Building an Adirondack Guideboat 2018
Moores, Ted KayakCraft: Fine Woodstrip Kayak Construction 1999
Moores, Ted Canoecraft: An Illustrated Guide to Fine Woodstrip Construction 2000
Moores, Ted and Rossel, Greg Kayaks You Can Build: An Illustrated Guide to Plywood Construction 2004
Nickels, Nick Master Canoe Builder: Lakefield's Walter Walker Ends and Era Begun in 1850 1985
Neide, Dr. Charles A. The Canoe Aurora: A Cruise from the Adirondacks to the Gulf 1885
Neuzil, Mark and Sims, Norman Canoes: A Natural History in North America 2016
North House Folk School Celebrating Birch: The Lore, Art, and Craft of an Ancient Tree 2007
Olson, Sigurd F. Singing Wilderness 1956
Olson, Sigurd F. Listening Point 1958
Olson, Sigurd F. The Lonely Land 1961
Olson, Sigurd F. Runes Of The North 1963
Olson, Sigurd F. Reflections from the North Country 1976
Olson, Sigurd F. Of Time and Place 1982
Olson, Sigurd F. Songs of the North 1987
Olson, Sigurd F. Collected Works of Sigurd F. Olson: The Early Writings, 1921-1934 1988
Olson, Sigurd F. Dare to Do: Taking on the planet by bike and boat 1990
Olson, Sigurd F. and Blacklock, Les The Hidden Forest 1969
Outen, Sara Dare to Do 1969
Patterson, R. M. Dangerous River: Adventure on the Nahanni 1999
Pellerin, Stephen and Bissland, Ted The Modern Canoe: A Practical Guide to Woodstrip/Resin Construction 1994
Peterson, Cris Birchbark Brigade: A Fur Trade History 2009
Phillips, Ruth B. Native North American Art 1998
Phillips, Ruth B. Trading Identities: The Souvenir in Native North American Art from the Northeast, 1700-1900 1998
Phillips, Ruth B. Unpacking Culture: Art and Commodity in Colonial and Postcolonial Worlds 1999
Pinkerton, Robert Eugene The Canoe Its Selection, Care and Use 1914
Raffan, James Bark, Skin and Cedar: Exploring the Canoe in the Canadian Experience 2000
Raffan, James Deep Waters: Courage Character and the Lake Timiskaming Canoeing Tragedy 2002
Raffan, James Rendezvous with the Wild: The Boreal Forest 2004
Roberts, Kenneth and Shackleton, Philip The Canoe: A History of the Craft from Panama to the Arctic 1983
Ricks, Byron Homelands: Kayaking the Inside Passage 1983
Rutstrum, Calvin North American Canoe Country: The Classic Guide to Canoe Technique 1964
Rutstrum, Calvin and Kouba, Leslie C. Back Country 1984
Schade, Nick Building Strip-Planked Boats 2009
Sears, George Washington "Nessmuk" Woodcraft 1891
Sears, George Washington and Brenan, Dan (editor) Canoeing the Adirondacks with Nessmuk: The Adirondack Letters of George Washington Sears 1993
Sevareid, Eric Canoeing with the Cree 1935
Simmons, Walter J. Building Lapstrake Canoes 2003
Simmons, Walter J. Finishing 2003
Simmons, Walter J. Repairs 1995
Solway, Kenneth Story of the Chestnut Canoe 1997
Speltz, Robert A Real Runabouts Review of Canoes, Cedar Planked and Canvas Covered 1991
Steber, Rick and Taylor, Shell New York to Nome 1989
Steele, Thomas Sedgwick Canoe and Camera 1880
Stelmok, Jerry Building the Maine Guide Canoe 1980
Stelmok, Jerry The Art of the Canoe with Joe Seliga 2002
Stelmok, Jerry and Thurlow, Rollin The Wood And Canvas Canoe: A Complete Guide to Its History, Construction, Restoration, and Maintenance 1987
Stephens, William Picard Canoe and Boat Building A Complete Manual for Amateurs 1885
Stephenson, Gerald F. John Stephenson and the Famous Peterborough Canoes 1987
Stewart, Hugh Canoe Trails and Shop Tales. Making Crooked Nerves Straight 2018
Stringer, Omer The Canoeists Manual 1975
Sutherland, Audrey Paddling My Own Canoe: A Solo Adventure On the Coast of Molokai 2018
Sutherland, Audrey Paddling North: A Solo Adventure Along the Inside Passage 2018
Van Hermet, Caroline The Sun Is a Compass: My 4,000-Mile Journey into the Alaskan Wilds 1975
Vaux, C. Boyer and "Tiphys" with EC Maurer and Craig O'Donnell (editors) Canoe Handling * Practical Canoeing * Canoes and Canoeing: Three Essential Historical Works for Canoe and Kayak Sailors 2023
Warren, Graham Making Canoe Paddles in Wood 1997
Warren, Graham Explore Scotland's Wilderness Waterways by Canoe: a guide to paddle-and-portage-style canoe tripping 2022
Warren, Graham 100 Canoe Paddle Designs 2023
Warren, Graham and Gidmark, David Canoe Paddles: A Complete Guide to Making Your Own 2001
Warren, Natalie Hudson Bay Bound: Two Women, One Dog, Two Thousand Miles to the Arctic 2022
Wiigwaasi-Jiimaan, Anishinaabe Ojibwe Birch Bark Canoes 2011
Wilson, Hap Missinaibi: Journey to the Northern Sky (From Lake Superior to James Bay by Canoe) 1994
Wilson, Hap Temagami Canoe Routes 1999
Wilson, Hap Canoeing and Hiking Wild Muskoka: An Eco-Adventure Guide 2003
Wilson, Hap Rivers of the Upper Ottawa Valley: Myth, Magic and Adventure 2004
Wilson, Hap Trails and Tribulations: Confessions of a Wilderness Pathfinder 2009
Wilson, Hap Grey Owl and Me: Stories From the Trail and Beyond 2010
Wilson, Hap Temagami: A Wilderness Paradise 2023
Wilson, Hap and Aykroyd, Stephanie Wilderness Rivers of Manitoba: Journey by Canoe Through the Land Where the Spirit Lives 2004
Winthrop, Theodore The Canoe and the Saddle 1871
Wise, Ken Cruise of the Blue Flujin 1987
Young, Roger Little things that matter: Collecting antique factory sample canoes 2022