Question for our Canadian Mac users

Dan Miller

cranky canoeist
Staff member
Has anyone found a way to add a dictionary of Canadian English to the Mac Dictionary app? I've got the dictionary of British English - is that close enough?
I don't use a Mac; however, I suspect a 'British English' version of language is about as close as you will come to something that equates to Canadian English, at least in so far as spelling goes. A lot of spoken Canadian idiomatic expressions are probably closer to US versions, while the spelling of written Canadian words or language tends to follow the British - where you find a 'u' in words spelled (in part) 'our' in Canada and Britain, while shortened to 'or' in American; e.g., neighbour vs. neighbor. Or more fun differences such as 'centre' (Can and Brit) vs. 'center' (Am). It's probably not a big problem; most Canadians can follow, even accept, American spelling; the Brits often consider both of us as under-educated and poorly informed colonial backwoods types anyways.
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